
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023

Things I would like to change about my degree program

Just yesterday, I was discussing this with some classmates. I study film at FCEI, and we share theoretical courses with journalism every semester. These courses are interesting and I think that they, in a way, contribute to understanding the world, but I think some of them have a lot more to do with journalism than with film, especially in an artistic way. I'd love to have more practical courses, more opportunities to specialize in our areas of interest, and participating more on film projects. We don't get to film much, only once per semester in the second year and just once in the rest of the years.  I also believe the college should support us more with internships. It's not fair that when we do our mandatory internships, we can't use them to justify missing classes. I don't understand that, especially since internships are part of our curriculum. We should have more flexibility for internships and for participating in film projects in general.  About infraestruc

Time travel to the past or future

 I've always been fascinated by the idea of time travel, and if I could choose, I'd love to go back to the exciting 1970s. This period of time has always intrigued me because it was very important for music, movies, politics, and culture. The '70s saw the rise of famous music styles like disco and punk, with bands like ABBA and artists like Patti Smith and Lou Reed. I'm particularly interested in the music of this time because many of my parents' favorite bands, like Fleetwood Mac, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Serú Girán, Sui Generis, and others, were from that era. It was really a golden age for rock music. In the world of movies, the '70s were when classic directors like Scorsese, Coppola, and Spielberg emerged, creating films like 'The Godfather'. Culturally, the 1970s were a time of experimenting and important social changes. In Chile, it was a period marked by politics, such as the Popular Unity and the subsequent coup.