Things I would like to change about my degree program

Just yesterday, I was discussing this with some classmates. I study film at FCEI, and we share theoretical courses with journalism every semester. These courses are interesting and I think that they, in a way, contribute to understanding the world, but I think some of them have a lot more to do with journalism than with film, especially in an artistic way. I'd love to have more practical courses, more opportunities to specialize in our areas of interest, and participating more on film projects. We don't get to film much, only once per semester in the second year and just once in the rest of the years. 

I also believe the college should support us more with internships. It's not fair that when we do our mandatory internships, we can't use them to justify missing classes. I don't understand that, especially since internships are part of our curriculum. We should have more flexibility for internships and for participating in film projects in general. 

About infraestructure, I wish there were rest areas with comfortable sofas. There are very few indoor places, we need them especially when it's cold or raining. 

Lastly, but probably the most important thing to me, is that I think attendance should be eliminated. In many other programs and universities attendance is not required in every class. We're adults, and we should be able to manage our own time. Sometimes, we can't attend to class for reasons that are out of our control. These are some things I would like to change about the program of my beloved degree.


  1. I totally agree regarding the infrastructure. I like to read on campus, and often, to find a comfortable and quiet place, I have to go to other faculties because I haven't found a good spot for this in FCEI.

  2. Even considering that Film and Journalism had a lot of stuff in common, I totally agree on that many shared courses are more in the journalism side. It's quite confussing, specially starting the career!

  3. I think most of us feel the same way about both careers, I feel you!


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