My dream job

 My dream job:

One of the dream jobs I would like to have in the future is to work in art direction as a set designer or costume designer for a period film or TV series production. I think that in terms of the skills I need for this, it's to be observant and hardworking, I need to learn from the experience, from the sets I have the opportunity to work on, from the people I meet in the same work area who always teach me new things, and also to be extremely curious and find out how things are done in the movies that interest me. I'm not entirely sure about the salary for someone in this specific field, I should; I don't imagine very big sums of money. However, that's why I think it's important to specialize in the field. I would like to earn a scholarship and study the Master's in Art Direction at the Superior School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia. When I had the chance to visit that school on a trip some time ago, I visited the art direction master's department, and I loved everything about it. I saw students making fake bricks, fake chairs, fake house walls, incredibly realistic fake food, and fantastic costumes. From what little I could see, I liked it very much, and I couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of studying there, especially since it's a very renowned school.


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