My first trip alone

The best holiday ever

My most memorable trip was in September 2021. That year, I postponed my university studies and it was the first time I traveled alone. I went to Spain for two months. Initially, the idea of the trip, apart from having a good time, a nice holiday, was to see if there was the possibility of continuing my studies in Spain. I was lucky that my uncle lives in Bilbao in the north of the country, so that's where I arrived. I spent several weeks there, went into the mountains, visited a location where Game of Thrones had been filmed, which was very exciting, and I,on my own, visited most of the city's museums and did a lot of walking. After that, I went to the place I wanted to visit the most, Barcelona, where I was truly alone for a whole month. I stayed in a hostel for a few days, met foreigners, spoke a lot in English, and discovered that I was much more sociable than I thought. In that city, I was also lucky that a friend happened to be doing a master's degree there, so I spent a lot of time with her and also with my cousin who lives in a village outside of Barcelona where only Catalan was spoken. Actually, this trip meant a lot to me because I had had a very tough year with extremely painful experiences in my life, and also because I did it alone, which made me feel quite adult in some way.


  1. It takes courage to take a break from your studies and LIVE your life! What a trip!


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